Our Children’s Ministry exists to create an environment for faith and family to collide. We believe that what happens at home is as important as what happens at church. Scripture is clear that the responsibility for raising children to be spiritual men and women rests in the home. The church is in place to come alongside parents and partner with them to create the best possible growth experience for the whole family. We look forward to connecting with parents throughout our community to grow strong, healthy, Christian homes & families.

FBC has activities for all ages.

Ministry Information

  • Children’s Ministry: Pre-K through 6th grade
  • Life Connect Groups: 9:30 am
    Teacher, Nursery-Preschool: Sandra Hill & Erin Farrow
    Teacher, Younger Children (K-3rd): Glenda Criswell
    Teacher, Older Children (4th-6th):  Greg Hill
  • Wednesday Night: C-4 (Children’s Christlike Character Club) meets at 5:45 pm in the FBC Gym
    Director: Tim (731-225-8288) and Christina Armacost (731-414-3603)

Verses to Remember

  • “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” — Matthew 19:14
  • “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” — Proverbs 22:6